

Our friendly and welcoming staff are always ready to help with any skin care questions you may have. They can also recommend the most appropriate over-the-counter medications or with a consultation prescribe stronger medications for more serious cases.

  • Skinoren 2% | price from £12

    Skinoren is a topical cream used to treat acne. Among its ingredients, Skinoren cream contains the active ingredient azelaic acid. Azelaic acid has a dual mode of action; it reduces the growth of the keratin cells that block pores and sebaceous glands causing spots, as well as killing the bacteria that live on your skin that can be responsible for acne.

    Available in DMB Chemist Tower Pharmacy


    Betamethasone is a strong and fast acting corticosteroid and is intended for use on the scalp which tends not to respond very well to weaker medicines of this type.

    Betamethasone works by reducing inflammation and calming down your immune system.

    Available in DMB Chemist Tower Pharmacy

  • FUSIDIC ACID CREAM | Price from £15

    Fusidic acid cream should be used on the skin. The cream is used for the local treatment of skin infections caused by bacteria that are sensitive to fusidic acid (especially staphylococcus infections) such as impetigo (a weeping, crusty and swollen patch of skin), folliculitis (inflammation of one or more hair follicles), sycosis barbae (infection of the bearded skin), paronychia (infection of the tissue surrounding a fingernail or toenail), erythrasma (infection with brown, scaly skin patches, especially in the folds of the body).

    Available in DMB Chemist Tower Pharmacy

  • CANESTAN HC AND DAKTACORT 30G | Price from £12

    Daktacort Cream is a targeted anti-fungal cream used for the treatment of fungal and bacterial skin infections which treats the source of infection and relieves the associated irritation and inflammation in just 7 days.

    Canesten HC Cream (Clotrimazole Hydrocortisone Acetate) 30g may be a suitable option if you have a fungal skin infection with additional symptoms of inflammation such as redness, itching or swelling.

    Available in DMB Chemist Tower Pharmacy

  • Hydroxyzine | Price from £12

    Hydroxyzine is in a class of medications called antihistamines. It works by blocking the action of histamine a substance in the body that causes allergic symptoms. It also works by decreasing activity in the brain.

    Available in DMB Chemist Tower Pharmacy

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